Welcome to our new foreign founders !

We kicked off our morning with the INIDEJ, the first of the 2023/2024 academic year! Over coffee and pastries, our incubated projects reflected on their achievements in recent months and the challenges ahead. 🥐☕

But this time, with a twist! With new project leaders among us who are English speakers, we threw a curveball: everyone was encouraged, without prior notice, to pitch and discuss their challenges in English. And guess what? They all stepped up to the plate, flawlessly delivering in English without exception! 🌍🎤

A highlight of the morning was the quiz that helped us identify the needs for upcoming workshops and ateliers. The energy, camaraderie, and willingness to embrace new challenges were palpable.

In light of this multicultural interaction, it’s only fitting that we decided to pen down this post in English. 🌐

🎯The aim? Networking, learning, and growing together as a community.

🧠 The takeaway from today: « Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. »

Cheers to more such engaging sessions and crossing language barriers together !